
REPORT/STUDYSUMMARYDocuments including WEEE flows/quantities
Normas Nacionales para la Gestión Integral de los RAEE en Venezuela
(National Regulation for the Integrated Management of WEEE in Venezuela)
Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ecosocialismo de Venezuela, 2024: Resolution No. 022, establishing the Rules for the Integrated Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Venezuela.
Published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, No. 42.871, on 3 May 2024
Líneas de investigación para el impulso de la gestión de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos en Venezuela
(Lines of research to promote the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Venezuela)
Journal of the University of Zulia, 2024: The aim of this study is to analyse potential research lines for e-waste management that can be used with national capacities. Eleven lines of research are proposed, focusing on the development of projects that promote the generation of statistics, the implementation of regulations and compliance with international conventions.
Journal of the University of Zulia, Year 15, Nº42, 306-321
Text in Spanish. Translation not available.
Author(s): Hernandez Quijada, V.M; Pereira Ibarra, C.J; Chiquito Martínez, Y.