
Plastic value chains: Case: WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014: This report is the primary outcome from Part II of the project “Nordic plastic value chains, Case WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)”. The report builds on the findings of Part 1 of the project, which indicated that whilst recycling of WEEE, in general, is world-leading in the Nordic region, there is considerable room for further improvement in the recycling of plastics.
The report finds that whilst the WEEE value chain is relatively effective for WEEE as a whole, it does not perform nearly as well for plastics. Resolving the technical and economic barriers to plastics recycling will involve some additional costs – but such additional investment would bring very wide-ranging advantages. It is accompanied by an illustrated guide to good practice for WEEE plastics recycling.
Author(s): John Baxter; Margareta Wahlstrom; Malin Zu Castell-Rüdenhausen; Anna Fråne.